Bus booking Wiener Neustadt

Wiener Neustadt Bus

Legal information of Wiener Neustadt Bus, a bus provider in Wiener Neustadt (Austria).

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Legal details of Wiener Neustadt Bus

The coach rental bureau Wiener Neustadt Bus arises from a productive cooperation between the coach tour operator City Tours Europe and the leading bus operators within Wiener Neustadt, from elsewhere in Austria, from the abutting countries Vienna, Styria, Hungary, Burgenland, Upper Austria, Slovakia, and Czech Republic, as well as from all other parts of Europe.

Charter a bus with driver in Wiener Neustadt and Austria

Wiener Neustadt Bus's service offers aggregate wonderfully prompt hiring of chauffeur-driven passenger vehicles within the limits and in the neighborhood of Wiener Neustadt as well as in its contiguous regions. Additionally, Wiener Neustadt Bus is as well qualified to rent out intact buses for street travel in Lower Austria and in every single of its neighboring regions. We can answer our customer's query relating to our agency and referring to all reputated coach suppliers with whom we work together. Please proceed to just drop us a note by mail at .

About the pan-european coach charter company City Tours Europe

The professional coach tour agency City Tours Europe exists since 2005 and generally focalizes upon efficient reserving of buses with driver for travel itineraries and sightseeing tours in Austria, and in any close or far away territories within the boundaries of Europe. City Tours Europe can deploy vehicles in all the numerous territories belonging to Europe and runs establishments in these nations: Austria, Germany, Italy, and Poland.

Here are the corporate disclosures of City Tours Europe

To read all the important details about City Tours Europe, please visit our main website Europe Buses.

  • Our seat is: City Tours GmbH, Rosaliagasse 19/6, A-1120 Wien, Austria. To reach us by phone: +43 1 966 02 61. To write us a fax: +43 1 253 30 33/ 7792.
  • Executive board and Corporate capital: Alexander Ehrlich (director) and Katarina Bachner (authorized signatory). Corporate capital: EUR 35.000,00, entirely subscribed and transferred.
  • Important registrations: Tour operator license n° 2011/0010 at the Austrian ministry for economy and labour. Privacy protection n° 3000394 at the Austrian data protection commission. Member of: Vienna chamber of commerce. VAT-ID: ATU66115401. Registration number: FN 355042x, at the Vienna court of commerce. Insolvability insurance: Zürich Insurance, policy n°: 701.014.823.504. Executor: Europ. Reiseversicherung, Kratochwjlestr. 4, 1220 Wien. To see our privacy policy, please see here. For more detailed information, you are welcome to visit the following domain: www.citytours-austria.com.

Sorts of possible passenger vehicles in Wiener Neustadt

Subject to the exact quantity of persons to be transported, our agency can cater to your needs by granting you outstanding vehicles of varying sizing, notably latter-day buses, safe microcoaches, as well as modern sedans across and around Wiener Neustadt.

  • Rent safe buses and bodacious coaches: If your company wants to place an order for a motorbus close to Wiener Neustadt, our well-versed staff will be stunningly overjoyed to efficiently manage your bus renting. Along with this, our office is also prepared and willing to deliver a handful more travel related services, such as experienced tourist guide service in Lower Austria and in each and every one of its neighbouring territories.
  • Hire advanced minibuses or sublime microcoaches: Our bureau is anticipating to suggest tailored microcoach and driver renting for transfers, excursions and tours from inside of Wiener Neustadt to wherever you desire in Lower Austria and Austria. Rely upon our sales department if you look to drive only a small number of people.
  • Rent neat limousines or highly developed sedans: With the bus tour agency City Tours Europe, non-corporate people and professional groups are welcome to order various spotless sedans, limousines and cars for direct airport terminal dropoffs by limousines, sedans and cars in Wiener Neustadt. But our dedicated operator pool is also willing and prepared to offer sedans, limousines and cars with a experienced and skilled driver for awesome rubbernecking trips within Lower Austria as well as to the circumferent states of Slovakia, Czech Republic, Vienna, Upper Austria, Styria, Burgenland, and Hungary.

Find a first class vehicle in Wiener Neustadt and anywhere in Lower Austria

In co-operation with attentively chosen coach suppliers from Wiener Neustadt and all parts of Europe, coach company Wiener Neustadt Bus chiefly focusses upon tailor-made motorvehicle charter within the boundaries and in the surroundings of Wiener Neustadt. To book buses or minibuses in the region of Wiener Neustadt or anywhere else in Lower Austria, you just need to drop us a line by email at .

© 2019 Alexander Ehrlich